Gold drive shafts for rocky

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Gold drive shafts for rocky

Post by Qtschmidt »

I have been working on a kyosho rocky it started out to be just a rocky I have turned it into a turbo rocky but I can't find any gold drive shafts for it are they that rare or just in high demand I saw a set on ebay before I got the rocky so if someone can tell me where to find some that would be great.

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Re: Gold drive shafts for rocky

Post by Lowgear »

Once you have enough posts you can ask in the Buy/Sell/Trade section if anyone has a set. Until then, eBay will be your best bet. They turn up now again. I don't know if I'd consider them rare or in high demand. I think the last NIB pair I saw went for $25.

If I'm not mistaken the gold swing shafts you're looking for are Option House part number: W-5062

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