Sportsman Class Dirt Puller Project

For all things R/C, post '90s to today.

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Re: Sportsman Class Dirt Puller Project

Post by Lowgear »

RC10th wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:12 am What ever happened to the other puller of yours?
The big rig carpet puller? It's still a work in progress. After obsessing about it for over a year, I became burned out and had to put it aside to focus on something else for a while. That ended up being the Thunder Tiger Challenger restoration where basically the same thing happened! :| I'm also waiting for the postal restrictions between Germany and the US to be lifted so I can receive some custom parts in order to finish it anyway. I'll get back to both of them sooner or later.

jwscab wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 9:48 am Offer still stands if you need parts made. since this thread started, I also picked up a tiny little milling machine with some decent capability.
I'll be sending you an email. :idea:

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