Greetings from Maryland

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Greetings from Maryland

Post by LJPete »

Hey Guys,

After years of resisting, I've cracked and finally bought another gold pan since my youth. I took great pains to find a car that was virtually identical (Cadillac A stamp). I'm excited to bring this car back to life and in the process learn and have fun with it. I was a Tamiya fan when I started in this hobby in the 80s, moved on to Kyoshos, Team associated and the Losi before calling it quits when I went to college.

Well, since COVID, my daughter and I have been slowly aquiring, buying and restoring all of the cars that I desired in my teens.

After reading and visiting this site for years, I thought now that I have another gold pan, I would create an account and be active as this place is a great source for info.

Looking forward to learning,


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