SilverTriple's printing stuff...

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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by XLR8 »

Sorry, the temptation has already been generated. :wink:
I also have a few projects in mind that will require tires that are not available so I want an inexpensive printer for that purpose.
I could print them on the P1S but...
It looks like the mini could be the right tool for the job.

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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

XLR8 wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 6:26 pm Sorry, the temptation has already been generated. :wink:
I also have a few projects in mind that will require tires that are not available so I want an inexpensive printer for that purpose.
I could print them on the P1S but...
It looks like the mini could be the right tool for the job.
I would say based on my own experience it depends what you are trying to do, and the targeted shore. Anything below shore 60A, your only direct solution is called rubber resin when it comes to printer. Otherwise it will be printed mold and by component resin (and for this the printer needed could be your P1S with 0.2 nozzle because you are not going to print TPU).
For 60A and upper you could do with a FDM printer (with the same limitation i'm facing with the X1C, I suppose, if you consider a P1S): and likely you will need to think about TPE rather than TPU. When you have mutliple walls with TPU it becomes more rigid, and it is not the case with TPE which behaves differently... I'm still to find the right material for tires (well : because I'm trying to get tires I can run, as if it was for the shelves, we won't care at all).
At the end, it is going to be experimentations, just like I did with the Anycubic Photon M3...
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by XLR8 »

silvertriple wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 11:15 pm
XLR8 wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 6:26 pm Sorry, the temptation has already been generated. :wink:
I also have a few projects in mind that will require tires that are not available so I want an inexpensive printer for that purpose.
I could print them on the P1S but...
It looks like the mini could be the right tool for the job.
I would say based on my own experience it depends what you are trying to do, and the targeted shore. Anything below shore 60A, your only direct solution is called rubber resin when it comes to printer. Otherwise it will be printed mold and by component resin (and for this the printer needed could be your P1S with 0.2 nozzle because you are not going to print TPU).
For 60A and upper you could do with a FDM printer (with the same limitation i'm facing with the X1C, I suppose, if you consider a P1S): and likely you will need to think about TPE rather than TPU. When you have mutliple walls with TPU it becomes more rigid, and it is not the case with TPE which behaves differently... I'm still to find the right material for tires (well : because I'm trying to get tires I can run, as if it was for the shelves, we won't care at all).
At the end, it is going to be experimentations, just like I did with the Anycubic Photon M3...

Very good advice, TPE it is. Thanks
For the tires I have in mind, scale is infinitely more important than hardness as the vehicle will likely see very little road time.
I'll be watching this space for your review and the results of your experimentation.
Thanks again.

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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

Tamiya toolset box is quite fragile. I never took care of finding a solution... I did yesterday...

I designed a replacement part targeted for print without any need for supports, neither additional material...

I printed it in PETG with lighting infill set very low (3%) and with scarf seams (all countour, all default settings).

There is room for improvement for the scarf seam, but both the PETG and picture does not help here... That said, it gives an homogeneous aspect all allong the face...

I'm happy with the result, and the STL is good... I may remove the scarf seam on the print profile I'll publish on makerworld.

Update : it's on makerworld
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

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The Bambulab A1 mini is not arrived yet, It is already in the tracking, and I would expect it to arrive Tuesday or Wednesday...

And it may time to review my organization for the 3D printers and materials... Currently, all printers are in a given room, with the Silhouette Cameo 4 as well...
I have plans for few additions beside the A1 mini in the future:
- a bigger FDM printer which could be a Prusa XL or Bambulab next gen...
- a laser cutter or CNC machine (I have some ideas for which this becomes more or less a must)

One of the inconvenients of the resin printers is generally it comes with odors. I need to move these out. I have heaters for them. So the idea is to get them into the garage in a specific area... I started to raise the idea to my wife, and she is not opposed to it :-)

That should free the room for what will eventually join the homelab soon...
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

I do have some aversion for unfinished/uncomplete product...
Few months ago, I've bought a Dremel Workstation 220... It's a drill press for Dremel, I bought it while it was on sale, in prevision for some of my projects. I opened it today, as I wanted to deal with some of my Zerda parts... And it was pretty disappointing : bolt to fix the column is too short (M10x16) to fix the column of the drill press, and the nut is moving while you tighten the bolt...

Worse, it is bank holiday here, so it's difficult to get bolts just available easily as most local shops are closed.
I finally found one M10x30 bolt in the single opened shop nearby. And I had time to think about solution on the way back from the shop.

Once home, I designed a tool to put around the head of the bolt to tight it with my hand and one part to put the nut in place so it doesn't move anymore while you tighten it. Now my drill press should be usable, and i have shared the parts on Makerworld ( ).
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by XLR8 »

A nice, simple solution. Well done sir!

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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

The Bambulab A1 mini is finally here... I had to go to the post office to get it, as no second attempt delivery...
Anyway, got it during my lunch break, and unboxed it while my wife was preparing the lunch... I was only switched on once my work day was over.

Once switched on, the calibration was started and done, then it requested lubrication of the Y axis (which I did).

I loaded the end of a Bambulab Basic PLA red to print a benchy. A red Speed Race Benchy. 20 minutes later, it was done. The White and Green were printed 18 months ago approximatively when the X1C arrived...

The infill is set differently than on the X1C benchys, as well as the orientation of the bottom and top layers. Beside this, not much to say about this print : the quality is very similar to what was printed from the X1C and in terms of speed, it's not that different.
That being said, with an A1 mini, the tool head weight compared to the rest of the machine is a lot, and the A1 mini moves a lot during the print : this means I will have to find a way to secure the printer in place (I did not expect this).
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by XLR8 »

silvertriple wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:45 pm ... Beside this, not much to say about this print : the quality is very similar to what was printed from the X1C and in terms of speed, it's not that different.
Perfect! This is what we were hoping for. :D

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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

XLR8 wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:10 pm
silvertriple wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:45 pm ... Beside this, not much to say about this print : the quality is very similar to what was printed from the X1C and in terms of speed, it's not that different.
Perfect! This is what we were hoping for. :D
I'm just thinking that time wise it is 18 mins for the benchy on the A1 mini while 17 minutes with the X1C. But the X1C prints includes quite a bunch of calibration step. The benchy itself is probably more like 12-13 minutes...
Anyway, the target for this printer is TPU, mainly, and TPU is generally a super slow filament, so this benchy was printed with speed I won't really use with the machine...
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by XLR8 »

silvertriple wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 5:30 pm
XLR8 wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:10 pm
silvertriple wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:45 pm ... Beside this, not much to say about this print : the quality is very similar to what was printed from the X1C and in terms of speed, it's not that different.
Perfect! This is what we were hoping for. :D
I'm just thinking that time wise it is 18 mins for the benchy on the A1 mini while 17 minutes with the X1C. But the X1C prints includes quite a bunch of calibration step. The benchy itself is probably more like 12-13 minutes...
Anyway, the target for this printer is TPU, mainly, and TPU is generally a super slow filament, so this benchy was printed with speed I won't really use with the machine...
I think we all agree; speed is nice but what we really want is best overall quality. Your initial print appears nearly identical to what has been printed on X1. If it requires an extra minute or two, I can live with that.
Can't wait to see your TPU test prints from the A1. :D

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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

XLR8 wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 5:50 pm I think we all agree; speed is nice but what we really want is overall quality. Your initial print appears nearly identical to what has been printed on X1. If it requires an extra minute or two, I can live with that.
Can't wait to see your TPU test prints from the A1. :D
Well, I'm reluctant to say "Soon". There is so many projects I said "soon" and delayed it would not be a great idea...

That said, the X1C prints TPU in 95A just fine from the spool holder and there is no reason this being different for the A1 Mini. I will still try on a Smooth PEI sheet with some glue (TPU adhesion on TPU is too good otherwise and you could damage the PEI sheet) the next time I have some parts to print in TPU

Once the 95A TPU test will be done, I will have to try some Recreus filaflex 60A. The website gives some indications on the settings to use (, and I know there is a print profile either on Printables or Makerworld I'll use as a basis ( )... The main difficulty I expect is the filament insertion, and that may require to play with the extruder spring tension... Anycase, I'll report my findings here...
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

I had already some thoughts about the way I need to proceed...
TPU 60A will require to reduce friction so it means that the spool needs to be higher than the tool head, with the roll diameter being more or less tangent to the head vertical plan... I had a look at all the handles and spool holder proposed on Makerworld and none is actually doing what I want. The conclusion is that I will need to design a new one...
I unmount the Z axis cap, took measurements so I can start from there. And currently printing a test to check the cap is rightly modelised... Once this will be validated, it will be time to think handle and spool holder...
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

I got the Z-Axis cap right, so I started to design next part...

The handle will replace the Z-Axis cap and will support the spool holder. The plan is to use the provided spool holder (and a printed version of the slot). To reduce friction, I'll rely on an additional parts added to the spool holder with the idea to use some ball bearings... I'll design this part set next...

The slot will be installed with M3 nuts inserted thanks to a pause during the print. Easier for wide availability than anything else, as the chance anyone having M3 nuts available already is high.

I'm currently printing a draft handle to check everything, including the pause (I don't use this function usually, so I need to make sure it is made right).
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Re: SilverTriple's printing stuff...

Post by silvertriple »

While the handle was printing, I made my model for the spool holder.

It will rely on two 6807-RS ball bearings (35x47x7). It is composed of 5 parts. I'll put pictures once it is printed (I don't have the bearings yet, but will do us some prints in the meantime).

The handle was printed, but I did not have enough of filament, so I had to change filament at some point...

The modified spool holder should allow to put the spool a bit higher, so it should be good enough for the TPU prints I intend to do (they won't be too high, so it should not be an issue : basically half of a tire :-) ). The loading of filament is definitely easier this way than from the previous position, so that should work with the TPU filament. I should be able to do some test soon (as soon as the bearings arrive) :-)
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