The story behind this car:
Way back around 1991/92, or maybe it was a year or so later, I was big into racing my Losi LXT (and maybe my Pro SE, too) when my Mom had a conversation with the woman I was mowing lawns for about my hobby. The woman mentioned her son had an RC car, too, and I asked to look at it. Her son came home one day and dug out this Rocky. He had left it in a closet after last using it a few years before going into the military, and didn't see himself using it again, so he gave it and his pit box to me.
Disappointed it wasn't a racer like I had, and that it was noisy, had a hacked body, and handled horribly, I only swapped electrics into it a few times to get it to run. One of those times, however, was the last time I actually entered a race about 1995/96 (Phil Hurd Raceway, Savannah, Ga). I raced it dirt oval, with many looks, and broke it in a heat race (differential outdrive stripped), having to finish with my Pro SE, so again it sat through college and my racing years (Quads, not RC cars). It still has dirt on it from that race.
After quad racing died down, I got bored so I brought all the cars up to my house and started looking on eBay to fix the Rocky. I, then, got the idea of trying to make it better. This is when I learned of the Turbo Rocky and it's independent front shocks, so I added Turbo Rocky uprights and found a set of RC10B3 (maybe?) shocks. The idea was that I would put as much suspension as I could and see what I could make it do. But, parts were slow to obtain and, again, it sat while I worked on other things (I get distracted easily) until I pulled all my cars out, again.
This time I cleaned up and upgraded the Losi's and got a YZ10 (another thread), a car I long wished I could afford. All the while, I watched eBay for Turbo Rocky parts, specifically looking for the front gear cover for the front shock tower. Earlier this year, I hit pay dirt, and now I can put add a shock tower. Here's where it stands. Shortly after getting the YZ10, I thought it would be neat to make the Rocky look like it, so I started looking at lowering the body and adding a YZ10 style wing to the back. Big holdup right now is getting shock towers sized for the RC10 shocks made.
Just this one picture for now. I'll post more, later, if anyone wants to see specific things.