Well I couldn't sleep last night, so at about 4A.M I started working on my NIB Striker. I got all the parts cut off the sprue's and all deburred. Then I got all the tires mounted on the wheels. Then I put together the rear gearbox. Everything has full ball bearings. I'm at a stand still right now until the body finishes drying. I sprayed the 1st coat of TESTOR's high gloss brite white on it just a little bit ago. Got to wait for it to dry and spray a 2nd coat and let it sit for a day or two.

Well I got 2 good coats of white on the Striker today. Going to let it sit near a heating vent overnight to help totally cu8re the paint. Hopefully I will get to start building it tomorrow.

Well i got the Striker all done today. Turned out pretty good, I think. This one is now 100% done! Here's a few pics :
