A superb build combining functionality and aesthetics which is something I always try to incorporate with my own builds.
My Hybrid SSG like Cristian’s is essentially a combination of the Yokomo MX-4, MR4-BC Special and MR4-TC Special. My project started as a Yokomo MX-4 which I had planned on adding some option parts but having every iteration of the MX-4 already, I felt this would be a little redundant so the idea to incorporate the SSG chassis originally designed as an option part for the MR4-TC Special became enticing. Having all the parts already to build the MX-4 made the project a little simpler and having Cristian's car as a blueprint of sorts helped as the chassis needed modifying to work with the Yokomo ZS-LWC Kit and MX-4 suspension arms. I wanted to use MIP Aluminium CVD's on all 4 corners (I have them in the rear only) but I also wanted to use the ZS-640T Front One-Way Assembly. The front MIP CVD's for the MX-4 I found are just a tad too long when used together with the one-way assembly and up-travel is limited because of this. Using the ZS-010FLB universal shafts solved this problem.
The SSG parts where fabricated (with the exception of the top deck, roll bar plate and battery brace which are OEM) by Paul Sims at I cannot say enough good things about the quality and precision of this man's work. Apart from designing and machining all the parts, he performed all the little details like countersinking specified parts and milling the motor mount area and battery slots.First class service and highly recommended.
Pics of some of the parts that I will be using to complete this build

Hopefully I will be able to start piecing this car together this week. To be continued....