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Re: RPM-X2

Post by aconsola »

wyldbill wrote:i have the rpm bellcranks on my oval car, but they were drilled out for bearings so i can use the stock losi mounts. i didn't drill them,they were given too me by a local oval racer. i eas told thats the way some guys use to run those back in the day due to getting dirt ground into the plastic style rpm mount..
Brilliant, I don't know why I didn't think of that. I have 2 arms, but no mounting hardware. The sets come with a 90deg and 180(inline) for the servo side. I have 2 of the inline ones leftover which I was able to drill out with a 5/16" drill on the drill press. With 3/16x5/16 flanged bearings, It fits on the stock steering posts but is a little short, will need a small shim to keep it from moving up and down on the post.
wyldbill wrote:as far as the bulkhead they did make 2 styles one stock and one with an extra 10 degrees. the extra 10 degrees were to be used on the older jrx2's that only had a 20 degree nose so they could be more competitive with the rc10's 30 degree nose. mrlexan you wouldnt happen to have any more of those bulkheads would you? i could use an extra of each one.
The bulkheads come up occasionally, I was able to get 2 of each over the past year and a half or so. The easy way to spot the difference is that the +10 degree one has an undrilled top while the standard shape one has holes for mounting the brace on the molded chassis cars.

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Re: RPM-X2

Post by wyldbill »

i think i use some 3/16 wheel shims like the ones that come with cvd kits. i bought a ton of these when bolink sold out on ebay a few years ago they really came in handy.

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