NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

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NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by seismic »

Dear All,

I am new to the forum even though I have been lurking around for a while. I used to race back in the 1980s and 1990s and the last car I had was a 2WD Losi XX. As many others of my generation, I was also very interested in the RC10 Stealth Car NIX '91 when it won in Detroit. I have seen several threads on this incl. MosFet on Youtube and Seabass on this forum. I would love to either trying to build one from scratch myself or purchase one (if possible). Ideally, also the '91 or '93 version of the Yokomo raced by Masami.

A few questions:

While I have been through many of the posts already, I am still looking for any input on how the NIX '91 actually drives compared to the standard RC10 of that era. Have anyone ever compared?

Also, any recommendation or advise on whether it is possible to build a NIX '91 with the parts currently available in the market in 2021? I can see that many of the threads and posts on the NIX '91 dates back to 2014/2015, so wonder if I am too late to the party :wink:

Any advise or guidance to someone who is old as dirt and who have been out of the sport for 25 years would be great. Putting things into perspective, the last motor I raced was a Black LRP brushed motor (not even sure how many turns that was) with a Novak speed controller and KO Feet servo :shock: :shock: :shock:

Looking forward for anyone willing to share a bit of experience.

Super happy to be part of the forum.

Thank you, guys,

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Re: NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by jwscab »

I've not driven one at this point but there are a number of guys that have.

All of the parts can be found/purchased with the exception of the chassis set. You could in theory make your own from 3/32" aluminum or carbon fiber, but with carbon fiber you will need to figure out how to accomplish the kickup.

There are two other guys that built another replica besides Nikki. I'm not sure if they are planning to make more chassis's but that is another alternative. Fred Swain and Justin. I forget what they call their version. They are both very very close to the real car. Fred and Justin also have the parts on shapeways or imaterialize.

So there are two versions, if you head down a path, be sure to get the right parts. They are somewhat different from each other, because of the methods used to reverse engineer the dimensions.

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Re: NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by XLR8 »

Welcome aboard. :D

Tremendous understeer on an old school loose dirt track! Forget ribbed tires, go for an aggressive tread pattern or it just won't steer. I haven't ran mine much but that was my first impression.

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Re: NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by seismic »

jwscab wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:05 pm I've not driven one at this point but there are a number of guys that have.

All of the parts can be found/purchased with the exception of the chassis set. You could in theory make your own from 3/32" aluminum or carbon fiber, but with carbon fiber you will need to figure out how to accomplish the kickup.

There are two other guys that built another replica besides Nikki. I'm not sure if they are planning to make more chassis's but that is another alternative. Fred Swain and Justin. I forget what they call their version. They are both very very close to the real car. Fred and Justin also have the parts on shapeways or imaterialize.

So there are two versions, if you head down a path, be sure to get the right parts. They are somewhat different from each other, because of the methods used to reverse engineer the dimensions.
Thank you very much for the info. When you mention there are two versions, do you know what the difference is ?

When you refer to Fred and Justin, are they here on the forum?

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Re: NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by seismic »

XLR8 wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:23 pm Welcome aboard. :D

Tremendous understeer on an old school loose dirt track! Forget ribbed tires, go for an aggressive tread pattern or it just won't steer. I haven't ran mine much but that was my first impression.
Thank you for the reply. Did you build up the bike yourself from scratch?

Do you have any good suggestions to how to go about start collecting the parts for a build?

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Re: NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by jwscab »

they were both reverse engineered by two sets of guys, and based off pictures and data, and finally, a chance to see the original cars. I don't know all of the differences really, I just know that they are different. Yes, Fred and Justin are on here. I'm actually not sure if their plastic parts are available.

good luck to you.

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Re: NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by XLR8 »

seismic wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 12:59 pm
XLR8 wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:23 pm Welcome aboard. :D

Tremendous understeer on an old school loose dirt track! Forget ribbed tires, go for an aggressive tread pattern or it just won't steer. I haven't ran mine much but that was my first impression.
Thank you for the reply. Did you build up the bike yourself from scratch?

Do you have any good suggestions to how to go about start collecting the parts for a build?
The chassis was designed and built from scratch using photos. The printed nylon parts were ordered from Shapeways and iMaterialize - they are Seabass/Nikki parts. Here's a link to the build thread; it might contain some useful info to help you find parts.

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Re: NIX '91 and Yokomo '91/'93

Post by seismic »

Thank you very much for the info and link. It is very helpful. I also went through the pinned RC10 Stealth Car thread and I think I am getting a better understanding of the components and work behind the Stealth Car. Would love to have one, but I am not sure I am up for the project which it would take to build one myself from scratch. Again - thank you for all the input :D

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