Ultima Pro XL body options

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adam lancia
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Ultima Pro XL body options

Post by adam lancia »

What are my body options for a LWB Ultima? I have a U-shaped thick black G10 rear shock tower on it right now, but I also have an A&L trailing arm rear tower that I could use and adapt a body mount to it somehow. I have a Lethal Weapon trans and the transmission brace has a single hole that I could probably use for a body post, but if I could get away without having to trim the rear section I'd like to do that. I'm not exactly the most proficient in the body trimming and paint department... I *think* I have either a Protech II or a Viper body kicking around, would either of those work? I'm leaning towards the A&L tower just to avoid trimming the back end of the body, but it'll require some modifications so if that's a sought after part, maybe I should look for a similar, less sought after part. Maybe I'll carefully make a copy of it from some carbon fiber rather than using it... I do have a pair of wing mount bullets so I'll need to mount those too. Which manufacturer had the slogan "I'm faster now"...?

I'm all ears, send your ideas my way.

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