Completed Stock JRX-2 Build

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Completed Stock JRX-2 Build

Post by mrlexan »

Here are some pics of my latest completion. Got it done just before the weekend, just now had time to post pics. I have a new uncut body and decal set to go with it...... You guys are probably noticing a trend here. I have a hard time finding the guts cut a brand new body and decal set. Oh well, time will tell. I have two more JRX-2s to go, plus a JRX-T, and a Junior 2. All will be new builds. I will be offing my remaining parts, both new and used, when I sort out all that I need.






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Post by badhoopty »

total pos...

send it to my house so i can feed it to my rc10's.


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Post by Eau Rouge »

Still one of my favorite cars of all time. Beautiful.

I can smell the Losi plastic and rubber from here. :)

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Post by scr8p »

dat's nice. :)

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Post by Asso_man! »

nice indeed, but I can see you are missing the rear shock retainers that fit on the lower arms, not easy to find, I must agree... maybe I have a pair in one of my stuff boxes... I'll let you know :wink:

oh and I also have some NIP gear-covers in case you need one... as for the body, can't help you for now, some molding work is definitely waiting for me :lol:
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Post by mrlexan »

DUH! How did I miss that? Must be a sign of being too busy. I have them and for whatever reason, I just skipped installing them. I do have a new gear cover, but that one was a planned non-install.

I cannot believe I did that, thanks for pointing that out and the reminder............ I need to slow down.


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Post by Mr. ED »

If any one else needs Losi JRX (2?) parts, and doesn't care they 're used:

I got a pair of these shock retainers, 5-link-suspension links and the uprights on the wheel side, 2 diffs, several original spurs and a robinson spur adapter, bearings, 2 top gears and axles, outdrive gears, incomplete sliding axles modified motor plate: missing moter guard, modified gearhousing and H'arm mounts,...

If you're interested I can put it all together in some pics.
I want to trade the whole lot for optima (or ultima) parts, no NIB required, just usable state.
I've kept on to this for a looong while but it just is too difficult to combine US sizes with mm's.
Offers for a chassis (straight and uncracked) with kick-up nose of any brand will also be considered, just like 4 complete, non-leaking buggy size shock absorbers (4 rears would be preferred).

I won't divide the lot up for a trade: shipment would normally be from and to Japan but if hurried could go between US and in March between Belgium.

Send me a pm or mail: I don't want to put further burden on the original thread.
Thanks, Erik

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Re: Completed Stock JRX-2 Build

Post by Mr. ED »

mrlexan wrote:Here are some pics of my latest completion. Got it done just before the weekend, just now had time to post pics. I have a new uncut body and decal set to go with it ...
Hello Jay,
Your build looks a lot better then the one I received when I bought mine 2nd hand.
I got it from 1 of the first dealers for Losi in Belgium and it had been used for a full year by the driver he sponsored to promote the car. (I actually did the paint schedule for his buggy body, but that was not even included)
It was no success (Asso ruled all over) and his shop was no succes either, so I had a hard time sourcing parts to turn it into a JRX-T.
I soon returned to my favourite: Ultima proj. 001.

This was many years back. One thing that bugged me, and of which your pictures reminded me: the front bulkhead has 2 holes on the top , just in front of the shock mount plate.
Were these holes used at all on the stock version of the JRX2?

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