Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

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Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by NickTheGreek »

Just got back into the hobby within the last couple months.
A friend asked me if I wanted to go to a hobby shop n I said "lets go" . This was on a whim.I hadn't been in one in probably 25 years.
He see's a Losi 5t on the counter, inquires about it and buys it on the spot....I thought the brother was crazy.That was a lot of scratch. So I copped a used slash4x4 vxl to have something to ride with him....Mostly out of guilt cause he just spend all that money , I figured its only right to get something as well.

So that got me thinkin about my uncles garage (ah yeah babe).....I knew somewhere in there,in a bin tucked away (for the last 25 years) were an Rc10 and a Tamiya Supershot.

Since I bought the Slash, I felt like something was missing....yeah it's fun....but it doesn't compare to vintage.....

To make a long story short, I went to my uncles, dug out my rc10......being that I had no idea of how to get it running (which I do now,thanks to building the re release), I took it to a local hobby shop to get it up on the road .....n here she is...

Everything on there except the wheels n tires ( which I have but took off cause I don't want to wear....also have original motor) n the transmission plate came out of the original box....down to the e clips.

Now that I know how to build one, I'll soon be breaking this one down for a cleaning....maybe throw some bearings in there.

It's funny how after 25 years, I hooked up some electronics n she freakin moves. Same shock oil, same bushings, same everything ....plucked from a storage bin n thrown right on the road....ah yeah babe...

Here she is......

The body is off my re re...

Thanks for looking......Gotta share my joy with others that know where I'm comin' from.

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by NickTheGreek »

I think the guy at the hobby shop did a nice clean job on the electronics.....nice n simple. ( I just enjoy lookin' at the thing)
A tekin rs esc ,Reedy Radon 30000 rpm motor n a 4200 nimh...

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by FlyinGN »

nice... Hows it run?

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by NickTheGreek »

It RAN great until I discovered this website .....Now I'm scared to run the thing. The pan might get scratched.LOL

I'm not even kidding. I never got to enjoy that car when I was a kid. I think I lost the body right after I got it or something...I can't remember. So once I got it up n running I had grand plans to run it into the ground and make up for all that lost time.
That's when I started to read about how ones in great condition are great finds.....So now I have the poor re release doing cartwheels at the beach parking lot,which is kinda heinous in itself cause the things are so "pretty".

The car itself, yeah it runs great....I was surprised at how quick it was with that set up, especially considering its never even been taken apart and cleaned.....Super smooth....Only draw back is I have a $120 esc in there that isn't brushless compatible and being that I won't run the car that much and won't be using brushed motors in other cars, it's gonna spend its days basically on the shelf.....
Psychologically, it's all good though....Knowing the A stamp is on the shelf, fitted with some top notch electronices and ready to go.

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by FlyinGN »

excellent.. This site made me think about the RC10 differently too lol

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by shodog »

That's a cool story and even cooler that you still had it after all these years. If you plan to shelf it, I'd scab the esc and motor for another project. No use letting those go to waste sitting on the shelf.

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by NickTheGreek »

I got lucky....When I called my uncle to ask about it being in his garage, he told me I got lucky cause he almost cave it away 2 weeks prior to a kid he had working with him that was into rc's.

I can't even remember why I had shelved it....I think I had lost the body right after I got it it somehow.
The car was missing the transmission brace, so maybe that had something to do with me not being able to recollect driving the car with the body on...
I threw the brace from the re re on it n the cool thing was lookin in the bin I had it stored in n goin' through a couple parts I had in a tackle box in there I found the baggy with the body mount n body clips that came with the car.

Edit..The esc is a Tekin Fx....I think I had said rs

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by 85Edinger »

Does your re-re have a tranny brace?
Also, your rear shocks are mounted wrong.
Nice car otherwise, good choice shelving it and running the re-re.
. . . you have Associated Green Slime for brains. And not even new Green Slime, but old gooped out Green Slime.

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by Minisforever »

Great story. I'm doing the same thing Nick. Just pulled out my old rc10 the other day. I remember almost giving it away to a neighbor kid 15 years ago. Whew ..glad I didn't because its bring back such fun memories.

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by NickTheGreek »

Thanks for the observation.....Finally, 28 years later, the poor little brothers shocks are mounted correctly.

Yeah I have the carbon fiber brace (and shock towers) on the re re.....
Every lil scratch on that one pains me, but the reason I bought it was to throw something brushless (4000 kv dynamite tazer) in there and just have fun with it.
Like I said, when I bought the Slash n started riding an rc again for the first time in 25 years, (more like 26-27) it made me start thinking about my rc10 n Supershot. Yeah, the Slash is a great truck ...its durable,fun, can go through anything (water,mud,snow etc)but it just felt like a big hunk of plastic that was lacking soul. (That goes for most modern rc's) .

If the car your driving doesn't really do it for you,however good it might be, something's gonna be missing....

With the re re...riding it is perfect.

The way I feel is, some of these modern cars,buggies,etc might be faster, can out performs it or whatever....I just feel like " eh,those are a dime a dozen...this right here, this is the sh*t"
That's fullfillment.

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by 85Edinger »

Absolutely! That's why I drive an Rc10- even though it's older than me.
. . . you have Associated Green Slime for brains. And not even new Green Slime, but old gooped out Green Slime.

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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by Jeep-Power »

great story - thanks!

What tires & rims are those?
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Re: Unearthed my RC10 after 25+ years

Post by Lonestar »

NickTheGreek wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:57 pm The way I feel is, some of these modern cars,buggies,etc might be faster, can out performs it or whatever....I just feel like " eh,those are a dime a dozen...this right here, this is the sh*t"
That's fullfillment.

Welcome aboard - superb story that a lot of us relate to here!
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