The sixteen cars I went with in Montluçonnaise 2023 all made at least a few laps of run during the event...
And this included the Big Bear, the Super Wheelie and the Hunter (I still need to mount a video of the runs

The Big Bear ran a lap and about 2/3 of a second one, and then stop and did not move anymore.
Upon inspection, the 9T on the idle gear did not survived the run.

It clearly needs to see a dentist

. I replaced it by another one, and will try again during next event or before...
For the Super Wheelie, on Saturday, i put it on the track, and it made about 3 meters... What a success! I opened the gearbox on the next day, and I was able to run it for quite a good 7 minutes and the transmission is still alive. I will do more tries next event. For the Hunter, it ran quite nicely with a Tamiya Sport Tuned motor. I made a 7 minutes session with it, and again the transmission is still alive at the end. That being said, there was some transmission noice probably due to diff skips. Something I did not have with the Super Wheelie. I've planed to open it for inspection before next event...
Beside this, I've modified my 3 parts printable chassis to ease printability. The best way to print those part is with a quite unconventional orientation, and it happens that elements in the air (on top of supports) are not always perfect. Adding walls to join them to the other side shoul make this easier to print. I did it when I thought it would bring improvements.
- at the rear of the center part : a top bar with the same thickness as bot side of the chassis, and a wall of 1 mm which can be removed afterwards easily.
- on the front part, I bridged the parts
The better orientation I found for the print is on the antenna post for the rear part, angled on the battery pod and rear for the center part and on the rear top upside down for the front.
I've checked holes and nuts dimension : holes need to be drilled to the right diameter (I won't change the tolerance as in case one wants to print it in MJF it is fine while it may be tight for FDM depending on the printer), and nuts are entering in their position when force is applied which means they won't move to much if the chassis needs to be tear down for maintenance, unless you really want to get the nuts out...
Still a few checks to do, but soon this will be published. I'm considering as well putting chassis, gearbox and arms on Shapeways...