After a more than 20 year break from RC I got hooked again a while ago. While cleaning at my fathers place,
I found my old stuff. An original HotShot, an Optima Mid, a Schumacher touring car and my last competition Losi XX Cr.
It took me a while to go through and restore some of them.
I then realised that I wanted to get a JRX2. It was the car that I won my first regional race with.
There were not many of these raced in Sweden at the time (mostly Schumacher and RC10) and even knowing roughly
where to my old JRX2 was sold, I could not find one.
So on to Ebay then...and eventually there was a rough one that I placed a bid on and I won it!
Shipping, taxes and fees for shipping and importing it to Sweden was double what I paid for the car. Oh well...

The car needs some love. I don´t know, but my guess is they used it to jump over kerbs because of the severely damaged front.
It had a Junior 2 front shock tower, reversed front arms with drilled out holes for mounting the shocks. And H-arm conversion.
In the box was a lot of stuff. Extra shocks, shock towers for Pro and Pro SE, extra gearbox, front arms, bulkheads, 5-link suspension,
steering parts, Junior 2 chassis and a Novak Dually ESC.
Going through it all, there were not only a Jrx2 but also almost all parts for a Junior 2.
I started to disassemble the car. I cleaned and sorted all the parts.
Then I started the search for missing parts. Most are ordered, but I had to 3D-print some because I could not find them or the prices were "wrong"...
The chassis needed some serious help. It was badly damaged in the front, delaminated and completely missing a corner.
After a good clean of the damage I used super glue to fix the delamination.
I then made a mould/fixture to help shape the front corner.
Then mixing epoxy and filed down carbon fiber dust that I poured into the mould.
After a week of curing I removed the mould and using finer and finer sandpaper I reshaped the chassis.
After some final wetsanding I applied black wrapping to hide the worst scratches. It turned out ok considering where I started from.
And here I am at the moment, everything cleaned and sorted, waiting for the missing parts to arrive so I can start the reassembly.