From Mr. Fan:
"Many customers have asked, since we have almost all aftermarket parts made, when we would be able to provide complete kit with all FanRc parts. Here is the answer!
FanRC graphite worlds kit is now available!
Key features,
- Quality 3K carbon fiber chassis.
- Quality 3K carbon fiber shock towers, transmission brace and battery strap.
- Ball diff transmission with big slipper pads.
- TC4 titanium turnbuckles with 4-40 thread, providing strength to withstand big jumps meanwhile keeps vintage look.
- Driveshafts with 3/16’’ axles
- Hard coated shocks
- Motor guard included
- BOTH white and black arms included.
- World’s style body shell
*Servo shown in photo not included*
*No rims or tires included*
Price is 380USD.
*Price may vary at different dealer’s due to shipping and importing cost.*
As a small brand we have limited capacity so take the chance to get it now from our dealers or directly from FanRC.
First batch will be shipped in next 2 weeks."